
Foundations of Acting with an introduction to acting for the Camera – ’24/25

This is an acting class to introduce and exercise the fundamental techniques of the craft of acting. Students will be taken through the foundational building blocks of acting technique pursued by acting students in the best acting schools and studios across the globe.

Foundations of Acting with an introduction to acting for the Camera – ’24/25 Read More »

Act for Camera

Acting for the Camera

In todays film world, you never want to be caught “acting.” The goal, always, when the camera rolls – you must get an audience to believe “you are who you say you are.”

Our six days together will take, as its primary goal, the great and perhaps the most useful notion in “on-camera” work: of building a “new version of me” for each and every second that the camera rolls. “Personalization” of any and all role playing on-camera is the technique notion of our time, and we will go after that. It is the demand made by all the best film work today.

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