Speech Studies

with William Sutton.

Speech Studies
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The goal of these vocal sessions is for you to gain a sense of your whole voice.
Add to that an awareness and control over the component parts:
breathing, tempo, rhythm, articulation, pitch, volume, & quality.
You will also learn to become your own voice doctor and psychiatrist.

Written and spoken english serve vastly different ends.
Actors transform what the writer wrote, into what the character says.
This skill set requires a sensitivity to the tiniest elements of sound in words.
The physical and sensory components displayed and exhibited
when speaking words, convey both meaning and feeling.

The most widely used tool for examining sounds
within a language is the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet).
Working with the IPA you can learn each sound in our language,
how it is made, what mouth parts are used, duration, zone & tonal quality.

Allowing you to increasingly and easily:
– change one sound for another for accents or dialects,
– adapt your articulation for clarity and character,
– play with sounds for vocal colour and interpretive shading.

This skill set is the most technical material for an actor
and at the same time the most enlightening and freeing.
Mastery of this subject makes all voice work faster and easier.

These voice sessions will help you no matter what level of English you speak.

Pay the Registration Fee to secure a place on the course.
Pay the Final Fee before the Course begins.

N.B. Don’t pay for the Course until  you have been accepted!

Speech Studies

Dates: Monday, June 24 – July 29, 2024.
6 weeks.
Times: 7pm– 10pm (3 hours).
Location: WG Plein/Studio
Fee: €340


Tutor: William Sutton

William Sutton's performances run the scale of possible paid work for thespians: industrial films, corporate CD-Roms, TV Drama, feature films, voice-over, dubbing, auto-cue, educational tapes and CDs, commercials, demos, film festival simultaneous translation and audio-visual productions. He acts in theatres, on location, for seminars, through role-play, at readings, upon diverse comedy podia and gives Sonnet workshops. In 1998/99 Sutton gained a Post Graduate Diploma in Shakespeare Studies. Sutton’s acting career started in 1988 when he gained Dutch National press reviews after joining the Stalhouderij Theatre Company. Sutton’s first comedy show was in 1995 and has over 400 shows to his credit. He rose quickly to the rank of M.C. or Compere at the ‘newly opened’ Comedy Café in Amsterdam and was instrumental in the proliferation of this dubious artform.

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