International Foundational Acting Diploma Programme
..the essence of this programme..

Here’s a recent video of a sense of our Acting for the Camera series:
Our International Foundational Acting Diploma Programme is designed to give you a solid grasp of working both, on stage, and in front of the camera.
Using contemporary text for a steady schedule of scene work preparation from published plays and film scripts-throughout the season, in addition to pure technique exploration, we’ll then offer the actors on-going scene and monologue presentational challenges to expedite your ability to begin working at a skilled level.
In addition to the opportunities provided to prepare and present scene work live, by the end of the diploma program International Foundational Acting Diploma Programme students will have had access to a significant amount of time on camera to generate footage for a “showreel.”
Essential classes for the International Foundational Acting Diploma Program are:
Voice (level I, II)
Foundations of Acting
Foundations of Acting II
Foundations of Acting/Intro to Acting for Camera
Lecoq Technique
Acting for the Camera I
ReFocus Method
Strasberg The Method (Level I, II)
Scene Study/Technique- Final Performance
Meisner Technique (level I)
Improvisation Technique
Entry requirements:
For the International Foundational Acting Diploma Program we seek out, and accept entry into the program from students who may have had at least some exposure classes in act technique. Though, we also accept – in our estimation – pure, raw, absolute beginner talent with ready english fluency.
Beginning at the beginning: bright and curious, ready to work, with an exceptional ability to focus, and very willing and able to collaborate with your co-actors – in all this are the seeds of talent; these are the most important elements- we can do a lot with these.
The International Foundational Acting Diploma Program requires that the students applying to this program have a functional command of English. We’ll encourage students with English as a second language to work intensively – by any means necessary – in order to refine the level of performance fluency. We will have recommendations for assistance in this area.
International Foundational Acting Diploma Programme
..the FAQ’s..
Tuition fees: €5,800
*Note: this program is designed to allow training actors to also consider some job/employment activity, and/or university study. Classes for this program meet two (occasionally three times) a week during evenings, and/or during weekend hours
*Also note, significantly, our program operates on a “pay as you go” basis. All Foundational Diploma students pay only for the classes they are signed on for in a given 7 to 8 week term. Pay as you go.
Application procedure
There are three stages to the application:
1. Send in a self-tape of a single 1 minute monologue. We ask you to send in the file via WeTransfer or, create a link on You Tube/ Vimeo and share the link to
The monologue should be from a modern contemporary play or work of film. You should choose something close to your own age range and something which you are exited about as a performer. We advise you to prepare then send in your self-tape as early as possible.
2. Candidates will receive the final result and be informed that either
a) you have been offered a place in the coming one-year Foundational program (starting in September, 2024)
b) you’ve been placed on a wait list
c) or, your application has not been successful – and if not, we’ll have recommendations for a future path to actor training.
3. When you’re selected to join next year’s program you’ll need to transfer the €600 deposit to secure your seat. This fee is, of course, applied to your class costs in the first term. If you decide, for any reason later, to not attend our program, then we will refund the deposit in full, provided that you let us know by June 16th, 2024.